Common Question – What can I eat while in braces?

Posted Dec 1st, 2024

When you have braces, it's important to choose foods that won’t damage your brackets and wires or cause unnecessary discomfort. Generally, you'll want to avoid hard, sticky, or crunchy foods that could bend or break the wires or get stuck in the brackets. Here's a list of foods that are generally safe to eat with braces:

Soft Foods

  • Cooked vegetables: Soft, well-cooked vegetables like carrots, spinach, and zucchini are easy on the braces.
  • Pasta: Soft pasta or noodles are great and easy to chew.
  • Rice: Plain white rice or brown rice works well.
  • Mashed potatoes: A great soft food option; you can also add butter, gravy, or other toppings for flavor.
  • Eggs: Scrambled or poached eggs are soft and easy to eat.
  • Soup and Stews: Soft, broth-based soups or stews with tender meat and vegetables are a good choice. Just avoid anything with hard chunks of bread or large pieces of meat.
  • Oatmeal and porridge: These soft, warm cereals are easy on your teeth and braces.
  • Yogurt: Plain or flavored yogurt is smooth and soft on your teeth.
  • Smoothies: Just be cautious of any seeds or bits that might get stuck in the brackets.
  • Cheese: Soft cheeses like cream cheese, cottage cheese, or mozzarella are safe.


  • Bananas: Soft and easy to eat without putting too much strain on your braces.
  • Applesauce: While you’ll need to avoid biting into apples whole, applesauce is a great alternative.
  • Soft berries: Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries (preferably without seeds) are easy to eat.
  • Peeled or soft fruits: You can eat peeled soft fruits like peaches, nectarines, or pears, but avoid anything too hard.


  • Tender meats: Soft, well-cooked meats like chicken, fish, or ground beef are great. You’ll want to avoid tough steaks or meats that require a lot of chewing.
  • Tofu: Soft or medium-firm tofu can be a great protein source that won’t irritate your braces.
  • Nut butters: Peanut butter or almond butter is a good snack but avoid crunchy nut butters.

Snacks & Desserts

  • Soft granola bars: Look for ones that are soft and chewy, without nuts or hard chunks.
  • Gelatin or pudding: These can be a fun, soft dessert.
  • Ice cream or sorbet: Avoid ice cream with nuts or candy chunks that could get stuck in your braces.
  • Soft cookies: If you're craving something sweet, go for soft, chewy cookies (without nuts or hard candies).

Things to Avoid

  • Hard foods: Crunchy vegetables (like carrots or celery) and nuts can damage brackets or wires.
  • Sticky foods: Candy, caramel, taffy, or chewing gum can get stuck in your braces and are difficult to clean off.
  • Tough meats: Steak, pork chops, or ribs can be difficult to chew and could dislodge your brackets.
  • Hard fruits: Whole apples, corn on the cob, or raw carrots are tough on braces.
When you’re in the early stages after getting your braces or after adjustments, you might also experience some soreness. Softer foods will be more comfortable to eat during this time.