Five Reasons Why You Might Need Braces

Posted Jul 20th, 2021

Many people think of braces as a treatment for those with crooked teeth, but that’s definitely not the only reason we’re in this line of business! All kinds of teeth and jaw alignment problems are best corrected with orthodontic work, and some of the most common reasons for braces go untreated well into adulthood.

No matter your age, if any of the following five reasons apply to you, it might be time for braces.


Your Teeth Are Crowded

One of the most common reasons people come for orthodontic treatment is crowding. If it seems like there’s not enough room for all your teeth, you may have a crowding problem causing the teeth to overlap. It can prevent you from giving your teeth a thorough cleaning, too – plaque loves to hide in the nooks and crannies formed by crowded teeth.

Correcting crowded teeth can improve your oral health and restore your smile. Once you straighten your teeth, you’ll find your toothbrush can reach more spots in your mouth!


There Are Irregular Spaces Between Your Teeth

Do you know what a diastema is? It’s the fancy term for a space between teeth (keep that fact in your pocket for your next trivia night). When there are irregular diastemas between your teeth, it may be because your teeth are small in proportion to the rest of your mouth. While closing these gaps may seem like a cosmetic issue, it’s a job that can safeguard your oral health!

Food particles often get stuck between wide spaces in teeth, collecting on the gums and causing gingivitis, cavities, bad breath, and other issues. The proper braces can resolve these hygiene problems and restore your smile!


You Have A Pronounced Overbite

Most people have overbites – it’s how most jaws sit naturally. However, a pronounced overbite can be an orthodontic problem – If your upper teeth stick out far past your lower teeth, or your bottom lip sits well behind your upper front teeth, that is considered an overbite.  Often, with orthodontics, we can “bring back” the upper front teeth closer to the lower front teeth so that you can correctly bite through your food with your front teeth.


You Have a Pronounced “Deep Bite”

If the bottom teeth bite into the roof of your mouth or disappear when you bite, it’s an indication that you might need braces. This if often called a “deep bite”.  If you leave a pronounced overbite (or deep bite) untreated, you can cause damage to the gum tissue on your palate and prematurely wear down the lower front teeth.

While it is easier to treat overbites in children because their jaws haven’t finished growing, braces can fix overbites, underbites, deep bites. no matter what your age. If your family dentist notices an overbite in your child, have them come in as soon as possible for orthodontic treatment.


You Have A Pronounced Underbite

If your lower teeth overlap your top front teeth when you smile, you may have an underbiteIt’s a common problem especially detrimental during eating or talking, but you can treat it with braces. If you suspect that you have an underbite, don’t hesitate to make an appointment!


You Have An Open Bite

If there a noticeable gap between your upper and lower teeth, you may have what’s called an open bite. A patient with an open bite will often have trouble eating or speaking properly and may develop embarrassing habits like thrusting out the tongue. It’s an issue we can treat with traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or Aligners! Sleep